Monday 16 July 2012

Betta fish,Betta spawning process and Golden fish

Betta Fish
Betta fish is a freshwater fish found in Thailand,Cambodia and Malaysia. It's commonly known as fighting fish(Fighters). There are two types in this fish based on their spawning behavior,
  •  Betta splendens - builds bubble nests.
  • Betta picta -  mouthbrooders.
    These fish should not be placed with other fishes because they wont allow the other fishes to live.So these fishes need to be kept in separate fish bowl or small tank.
Fighters  have a special organ known as labyrinth. This organ helps the fish to breathe air at water surface(directly takes oxygen from air). It can breathe in water with help of gills and in air with help of labyrinth. Presence of this labyrinth organ makes the fighters to live in low oxygen water and it can also survive outside the water for short period of time.Fighters will be around 3 inches long and will survive 2-4 years.Lets see how B.splendens spawns

1.Male and Female fighters kept separately

 1.   First need to keep male and female fighters separately in a transparent fish bowl/jar/tank. Keep both the fish tank closer as they can see each other.Provide both Betta's the highest quality fish food,do not overfeed them - one or two times per day is plenty. You can feed them tubifex worms (live wrigglers), which are excellent for them but can be unhealthy if you give them too many.

2.2 Bubble nest,after leaving female in same tank

2.1 Male and Female fighters in same tank now

2.Male fighter building bubble nest
2.The male fighter starts building a bubble nest at the top surface of the water by seeing the female which is in another tank.
2.1 Once you find this bubble nest in a male tank you can leave the female fighter together with male.So male and female will be in same tank now.
2.2 When the male and female meet, the male will wind his body, flare his gills, and spread his fins if he's excited. The male will begin building a bubble nest in the first 48 hours after swimming with the female. If he hasn't started making the bubble nest for three days, separate the male and female(Provide food) and try once again.

3.Male embracing his entire body around the female


3.The actual Betta fish breeding will look like the male embracing his entire body around the female (called the embrace). Each embrace will result in ten to forty eggs until the female is out of eggs.After this process, catch the female fighter and put it in separate tank.

4.Eggs kept in Bubble nest
4.The male will catch all the eggs one by one and keep them each in each bubble.In 24 hours the eggs will be hatched and the fish kids(called fries) will start to fall down from the bubble nest then the male will catch these kids in his mouth and keep them again in bubble nest.Allow this process for 24 hours to 72 hours (based on the friendliness of the male betta with their kids) then catch the male fighter without disturbing the bubble nest and put it another fish tank.

Golden Fish

Friday 13 July 2012

Sunset Images

Coconut Balls Recipe

Cook time - 15 min

Ingredients : 

Coconut grated - 2 cups
Sugar - 1 cup

Milk maid - 1/2 cup
Cardamom - 6

Ghee - 3 to 4 tbsp

Coconut ball

Procedure : 
 Heat ghee in a pan,add coconut gratings cook for 1 min.
Add 1/2 cup of water and sugar to the coconut gratings, stir it till coconut gratings thickens then add cardamom cook for 1/2 min.
Add milk maid to that,stir it till it becomes loose paste and switch off the heat.
Make the paste to dry.
Then make small small balls.
Sweet and yummy Coconut balls are ready... Its very easy to do this recipe.  :)

Wednesday 11 July 2012

To get soft palm...

To view clearly click on the image,right click on the image,select view image option and zoom it .
Courtesy: aval vikatan dated 24.09.2010.

About Beetroot juice and Wheat


To view clearly click on the image,right click on the image,select view image option and zoom it .
Courtesy: aval vikatan dated 24.09.2010.

Tuesday 10 July 2012

Importance of walnuts

Walnuts consists of  higher amount of omega-3 fatty acids,rich in fiber, B vitamins, magnesium,protein and Vitamin E.

Having walnuts reduces the risk of heart diseases.
They prevent gallstones from forming. 
It increases the blood vessel elasticity.
They are the important source of  bio-melatonin, one of the precursors of melatonin, a significant hormone for our body.
Melatonin secreted by pineal gland and does two actions in our body : with normal sleep patterns.
  2.important antioxidant.
Melatonin makes the body to escape oxidative stress.
Reduces the bad cholesterol (LDL) and C-Reactive Protein(CRP).
It prevents free radicals from forming,which is the cause of cancer,cardiovascular disease.

1 oz (14 halves) of shelled whole walnuts contains:
  • Calories: 185 kcal
  • Fat: 18.5 g
  • Carbohydrates: 3.9 g
  • Protein: 4.3 g
  • Fiber: 1.9 g
  • Glycemic Index (GI): Low (below 55)

Monday 9 July 2012

Self Discipline

  •                          Self discipline means you will force yourself to do something whether you have interest to do it or not(You must do it).
  •                          To be successful in life you must be self disciplined first.Self confidence,Hard work,Positive thinking etc all comes next to self discipline.It is strengthened through practice and after that it strengthens one's confidence,character and self esteem.
  •                          Parents need to teach their children about self discipline and make them to follow it from their childhood, then it won't be a big issue or a problem for them to follow self discipline in their adolescence. Parents need to
  •                           Encourage the children with positive and negative persuasion to do what is hard, or what they may not want to do but needs to do for their best interests.
  •                           Teach the children how to manage and lead a life effectively,teaching them to learn from experience.
  •                           Check whether children has completed what they started, has  they met the commitments what they made.
  •                            Allowing or applying consequences when mistakes or misdeeds have occurred so that the children can learn from the errors of his ways and make a better choice the next time.                                                                                                 