Wednesday, 7 September 2011

To get pink lips follow the things given below ...

To get pink lips follow the things given below :)

  1. Before you go to bed apply beetroot juice. 
  2. Grind rose petals and mix with fresh cream and apply on lips to get smooth and pink lips.
  3. Apply menthol based lip balms,leave it for 2-3 min then wet a toothbrush to remove it. Don’t rub too hard, as lips are very sensitive.
  4. Apply any oil rich in vitamin E before going to bed. Vaseline also helps.
  5. Consult your doctor about taking iron supplements. Taking iron supplements add glow to your face and to your lips too.
  6. Avoid licking your lips. this actually takes out moisture. use lots of chap stick, drink lots of water, brush a toothbrush lightly on them, and put honey on your lips.
  7. Avoid using lipstick(specially those dark shades)it makes your lips dry and black.

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