Cichlids |
- Cichlids are fish from family Cichlidae.
- Minimum of 1,650 species are found making it a largest vertebrate family.
Boulengerochromis Cichlids |
Apistogramma Cichlids |
- Species ranges from 2,000 to 3,000 and some are undescribed.
- Some of the most well known cichlid species are Angelfish, Oscar, Jack Dempsey and Discus.
- Cichlids are categorized as "secondary freshwater fish" - meaning their ancestors were marine fish.
- Cichlids live in fresh and brackish water and found mainly in Asia,Africa and America.
- Cichlids have teeth in both the upper and the lower jaw – and in the throat!
- The cichlids are also equipped with no more than one nostril except the damselfish.
- Generally fish species have small intestines that leave the stomach from the right side, but with the cichlid species the small intestine leaves the body at the left side.
- Body size of a cichlids ranges from 2.5 centimeter to 1 meter.
- Body shape of species ranging from strongly laterally to cylindrical and highly elongate.
- Many cichlids are primarly herbivores feeding on algae.
- Tilapia, a fast growing cichlid native to the African continent, is one of the most well known cichlids in the kitchen.
- The smallest cichlids, such as Apistogramma cichlids will not grow more than 3 centimeters.
- The largest cichlids, e.g. Boulengerochromis cichlids, can grow more than one metre.
Blood red parrot cichlid in my tank |
Several different types of bonds are formed between male and female cichlids.These include
- Monogamy - Even after spawning male and female remain together.
- Polygyny - The male stays together with several females.
- Polyandry - The female stays together with several males.
- Agamy - The male and female separate right after spawning,they won't remain together after spawning.
Electric Blue Johanni |
Cichlids take care of their young in several different ways :
Nuclear or Parental Family :Both parents equally share the duties of caring for the young ones.
Matriarch Family : The female takes care of eggs and the fry and there is no bond between the pair,In this the female is an ovophile mouthbrooder.
Patriarch Family : The male takes care of the eggs and the fry and no bond is formed between the parents.
Extended Family : The parents as well as the offspring of previous spawning takes care of the young.
Electric yellow cichlid |
Cichlids are characterized into two breeding groups :
- Open brooders
- Shelter brooders
Open Brooders : These type lays eggs on the open surface such as rocks,sand and plants.In one lay there may be 10,000 eggs and the eggs are of small size and they clump together.Sexual dimorphism and dichromatism is evident.
Examples are Pterophyllum,Symphysodon.
Shelter Brooders : These type lay less number of eggs not more than 300 and some eggs are colorful.These fish are easier to sex because males are larger and more colorful.
They are in turn divided into two types:
- Cavity Brooders
- Mouth Brooders
Cavity Brooders : These type lays eggs in caves,the parents participate in brood care and become angry towards other fish while caring for the eggs and the fry.
Examples : Apistogramma, Julidochromis, Neolamprologus and Pelvicachromis.
Mouth Brooders : are fish that will take their eggs or the fry into their mouths and they are divided into two categories,
- Ovophile or "egg-loving" mouth-brooders.
- Larvophile or "larvae-loving" mouth-brooders.
Categories :
Aquarists commonly divide the popular aquarium species into three main groups:
Aquarists commonly divide the popular aquarium species into three main groups:
- American cichlids,
- African cichlids and
- Asian cichlids.
The American cichlids is often divided into four sub-categories:
- Large cichlids (e.g. Eartheaters and Heroines),
- Convict cichlids,
- Dwarf cichlids and
- Other cichlids(example : Angelfish and Discus).
The African cichlids are
Rift Valley cichlids in turn divided into:
- Lake Malawi,
- Lake Tanganyika cichlids,
- Lake Victoria cichlids,
- Lake Rudolph cichlids.
- Tilapias and
- Other African cichlids.
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