Saturday, 30 July 2011

Is tea harmful

           Do you know when the first cup of tea brewed ???According to folklore, Emperor "Shen Nung" who reigned over China in 2732 BC discovered the stimulating effect of tea accidentally when wild tea leaves fell into his pot of boiling drinking water.
           Tea shoots can be processed into the various kinds of tea->black tea, green tea, oolong tea and instant tea. 
           A cup of tea gives you forty calories with inclusion of 2tbsp of milk  and a tsp of sugar. Soaking of tea dust into water or milk contains minimal amount of vitamins and minerals ..What vitamins are present in tea ??? vitamin B which is present in high quantity and its a good source of  vitamin E,vitamin K and Beta-carotene(which changes into vitamin A in our body) and when we come to minerals tea contains lower amount of copper,flouride and manganese too.
Positive part of tea is 
Flouride helps in avoiding cavities in the teeth,
Tannin destroys bacteria and virus so this destruction of bacteria and virus avoids the growth of dental plaque,
caffeine is sometimes prescribed therapeutically for the treatment of hypertensive headache,University of Purdue researchers recently concluded that a compound in green tea inhibits the growth of cancer cells, it kills cancer cells without harming healthy tissue,but...
negative part of this is
There is no proteins,carbohydrates or fats in tea,
It avoids the absorption of iron,calcium and zinc from the food when you take tea along with food.

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