Have Fruits daily ..!!
- Most of the people believe that pineapple produces over heat in our body.
- Mango and Orange contains 14 calories and that’s the amount of calories pineapple also has.
- Everyday in cooking we use tamarind which contains 82 calories.
- Pineapple helps to Increases memory power.
- Honey with pineapple as a juice for 40 days will cure problems like headaches of various types, all types of eye disease, all types of ear disease, tooth ache etc,.
- Pineapple juice has the property of curing jaundice soon.
- 20 grams of pineapple contains vitamin A-17mg, vitamin B2 -0.34mg, vitamin C-0.18mg, calcium-6mg and iron-0.3grams.
- Involves in blood purification.
- Strengthens the digestive organs.
- Pineapple syrup is the best tonic for those who are anaemic.
- An apple a day keeps the doctor away.
- Apple purifies the blood and contains higher hemoglobin.
- Having apples month together will help to gain a shiny skin.
- Apple cures Gingivitis, Strengthens teeth.
- Makes the liver active.
- Kills the germs in the digestive tract.
- Apple contains Protein-8%,Fat-1%,sugar-13.4%.It also contains Vitamin A,B,C, sodium and Potassium.
- Apple keeps the brain active.
- Children suffering in Asthma :A Research says that children who had apple juice daily will suffer from less wheezing than the children having apple juice once per month.
- According to a study of 10,000 people those who ate the most apples had a 50 % lower risk of developing lung cancer. Researchers believe this is due to the high levels of the flavonoids quercetin and naringin in apples.
- The pectin in apple will reduces the bad cholesterol so those who have two apples per day their cholesterol level will be reduced to 16% .
- Those who have most apples will have lower risk of developing colon cancer,liver cancer,breast cancer.
- Grapes:
- Grapes contains flavonoids which gives the purplish color to grapes.
- Grape consists of vitamin A,B,C,calcium,Phosphorous, fat, Carbohydrates,Proteins.
- Consider as body builder and increases the hemoglobin in blood rapidly.
- Good source of energy.
- The alkaline fruit also known as "Queen of fruits" will decrease the acidity level in uric acid and eliminates it thus helping greatly to kidneys.
- Grapes have been found to contain Resveratrol, a nutrient that has been shown to be effective in treating and preventing cancer.Nutrient in red grapes and berries was shown to slow the growth of prostate cancer cells and apply an immuno-modulatory effect on animal subjects that had lymphocytic leukemia.
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