Here is the solution:
- Apply castor oil on your eyes before you go to bed . It helps to remove dark circles,lengthens the eyelashes.If you want you can mix castor oil and olive oil then apply.
- Castor oil on eyebrows will help in the growth of eyebrows.
- Dip a piece of cotton in orange juice and wipe your face with it to reduce the open pores on the face.
- Mix one spoon of curd to one spoon of orange juice then apply it on the face,leave it for 10 minutes then wash it away.Curd and orange nourishes your skin and gives you fresh look.
- To prevent dark circles must sleep nicely in nights. Sleepless may cause dark circle.
- Take some coconut oil and massage it nicely around your eyes to get rid off eye circles.
- Tea bags is a good solution for dark circles.Don't throw the used tea bags instead refrigerate them for few hours then keep them around your eyes for 15 min.Dark circles will diminish.
- Drink plenty of water,must drink 2 to 3 litres.
- Apply a slice of cucumber or raw potato around the eyes for 10 minutes everyday. Try using them slightly refrigerated or a little cold. This will not only refresh the eyes and improve tear secretion, but also cure dark circles. This will also give some relaxation to your eyes.
- Mix almond oil and honey and apply it on the face,this will cure dark circles in few weeks.
- Apply two to three drops of rose water on a cotton ball and gently massage on the affected area of the eye for five to six minutes. You will see the result in two to three weeks.
- Add a small pinch of salt in water and wash for bright and sparkling eyes.